Changeset [81dc4a569b687f6934f1d7425e409b5a5a21b4a9] by Anton Astashov

November 21st, 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Added cronjob support. Cronjob can be started by 'rake crontab:start' or 'rake crontab' and can be stopped by 'rake crontab:stop'. Cronjob make monthly payments and try to repeat declined payments.

Committed by Anton Astashov

  • M app/models/partner.rb
  • M app/models/payment.rb
  • M cronjobs/cronjob.rb
  • M cronjobs/payment_job.rb
  • M lib/tasks/cronjobs.rake
  • M spec/cronjobs/payment_job_spec.rb
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Versioning extension for the Radiant CMS