Changeset [16e880a782a8c9872a645c46a6920d0a9ccf634a] by Anton Astashov
November 6th, 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Initial import
Committed by Anton Astashov
- M .gitignore
- M Rakefile
- M app/controllers/admin/feeds_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/admin/partners_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/application.rb
- M app/controllers/categories_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/feeds_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/partners_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/sysop/feeds_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/sysop/partners_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/users_controller.rb
- M app/helpers/application_helper.rb
- M app/helpers/attributes/actions.rb
- M app/helpers/attributes/feed.rb
- M app/models/category.rb
- M app/models/feed.rb
- M app/models/notifier.rb
- M app/models/partner.rb
- M app/models/role.rb
- M app/models/tos.rb
- M app/models/user.rb
- M app/views/admin/partners/index.html.haml
- M app/views/categories/_form.html.haml
- M app/views/categories/confirm_destroy.html.haml
- M app/views/categories/edit.html.haml
- M app/views/categories/new.html.haml
- M app/views/notifier/new_partner_notification.erb
- M app/views/partners/new.html.haml
- M app/views/partners/show.html.haml
- M app/views/partners/signup_confirmation.html.haml
- M app/views/sessions/new.html.haml
- M app/views/sysop/feeds/_form.html.haml
- M app/views/sysop/feeds/confirm_destroy.html.haml
- M app/views/sysop/feeds/edit.html.haml
- M app/views/sysop/feeds/index.html.haml
- M app/views/sysop/feeds/new.html.haml
- M app/views/users/new.html.haml
- M config/application.yml
- M config/boot.rb
- M config/database.example
- M config/database.yml
- M config/environment.rb
- M config/environments/development.rb
- M config/environments/production.rb
- M config/environments/test.rb
- M config/initializers/fudge_form.rb
- M config/initializers/inflections.rb
- M config/initializers/mime_types.rb
- M config/routes.rb
- M db/development_structure.sql
- M db/example_data.rb
- M db/migrate/20081030095627_create_users.rb
- M db/migrate/20081030095704_create_roles.rb
- M db/migrate/20081030095857_add_roles.rb
- M db/migrate/20081031094955_create_partners.rb
- M db/migrate/20081101060734_create_toses.rb
- M db/migrate/20081101070256_create_feeds.rb
- M db/migrate/20081105071343_create_categories.rb
- M db/migrate/20081106025149_add_users.rb
- M db/migrate/20081106030105_add_partners.rb
- M db/schema.rb
- M features/crud_categories.feature
- M features/crud_feeds_of_sysop.feature
- M features/login.feature
- M features/signup.feature
- M features/steps/common_webrat.rb
- M features/steps/env.rb
- M features/steps/user_steps.rb
- M lib/authenticated_system.rb
- M lib/authenticated_test_helper.rb
- M lib/controller/crud_operations.rb
- M lib/hijacker.rb
- M lib/role_requirement_system.rb
- M lib/role_requirement_test_helper.rb
- M lib/solutions.rb
- M lib/tasks/cucumber.rake
- M lib/tasks/rspec.rake
- M public/.htaccess
- M public/404.html
- M public/422.html
- M public/500.html
- M public/dispatch.cgi
- M public/dispatch.fcgi
- M public/dispatch.rb
- M public/images/icons/grid/arrow_down.gif
- M public/images/icons/grid/arrow_up.gif
- M public/images/icons/grid/page_white_find.png
- M public/images/icons/grid/table.png
- M public/images/icons/grid/table_refresh.png
- M public/images/rails.png
- M public/images/spinner.gif
- M public/javascripts/jquery.js
- M public/javascripts/jquery.livequery.js
- M public/javascripts/jqunit.js
- M public/javascripts/solutions_grid.js
- M public/javascripts/tests.js
- M public/robots.txt
- M public/stylesheets/testsuite.css
- M script/about
- M script/autospec
- M script/console
- M script/cucumber
- M script/destroy
- M script/generate
- M script/performance/benchmarker
- M script/performance/profiler
- M script/performance/request
- M script/plugin
- M script/process/inspector
- M script/process/reaper
- M script/process/spawner
- M script/runner
- M script/server
- M script/spec
- M script/spec_server
- M spec/controllers/categories_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/crud_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/partners_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/session_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/sysop_feeds_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/fixtures/roles.yml
- M spec/models/category_spec.rb
- M spec/models/feed_spec.rb
- M spec/models/partner_spec.rb
- M spec/models/tos_spec.rb
- M spec/models/user_spec.rb
- M spec/rcov.opts
- M spec/spec.opts
- M spec/spec_helper.rb
- M stories/all.rb
- M stories/helper.rb
- M test/fixtures/roles.yml
- M test/fixtures/roles_users.yml
- M test/fixtures/users.yml
- M test/test_helper.rb
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